To provide features like Telegram's channels, WhatsApp is rolling out "Only
Admins" feature in its group chats. The admins in group chats can now restrict the
participants from sending messages in the group i.e, the new two-way communication will work
like a broadcast.
WhatsApp in a blog post wrote, "Today, we're launching a new group setting where only
admins are able to send messages to a group. One way people use groups is to receive important
announcements and information, including parents and teachers at schools, community centres,
and non-profit organisations."
Group admins can enable" Only Admins" feature by navigating to "Group info" and then
selecting "Only Admins".
Once enabled, participants won't be able to send text messages, GIFs, videos, voice
messages or any documents.
WhatsApp recently announced some other features in WhatsApp for Android messaging app like downloading WhatsApp data reports, locking of voice messages, hiding media in phone gallery with "media visibility".
The latest version of the app is free to download at our marketplace and can also be installed from Google Play Store using the given-below link.
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